a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our organization is unique in the way that it is a swimming pool that is ran by a board of volunteers that is funded by donations.


The DeVore Community Swimming Pool came to Eskridge in 2001, after a 30-year-long soda-can collecting campaign by long-time resident Maisie DeVore. After collecting over 90 tons, reaching $100,000 goal, and a Kansas grant, her dream of a swimming pool for the kids of Eskridge came true. The Pool was built directly across the street from her then home.

20+ years later, it’s still going strong. However, each year the DeVore Community Swimming Pool Association must raise operating funds to keep the pool healthy and active for our town.

“I’m not a person that gets downbeat very often. You can let anything get you down if you want to. I think it’s just your own attitude.

You think you can do it, usually one way or another you can get it done, and if you can’t do it, you won’t do it.”

~ Maisie DeVore